Personalized events/gatherings

Do you want to host a holistic event/gathering? Or are you looking for a retreat assistent who can arrange and organize everything for you on the spot with an eye for detail and efficiency.

Then you've come to the right place. 

Thanks to my previous years of experience as a PA, I have been able to organize many events for various companies such as BP, Shell, Erasmus Hospital etc.

Through my life experience and my training to become a healing coach I have learned the holistic way of life. I no longer live with and just in my mind, but I also see and feel how beautiful it is to live consciously and find balance on all five levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic.

I can now use these experiences to organize your holistic event from A to Z or just to fill in a small part on your special day.

You can organize an event for yourself and your friends where the focus is on;

  • self-love or
  • increasing your spirituality or
  • processing negative emotions or
  • just celebrating life and love.

I have developed a program for each approach with various components.

Here are some options to choose from:

  • harmonizen session
  • women's circle
  • mother blessing circle (pregnancy)
  • divorce circle
  • canvas calm (creative workshop)

Most events contain a guided meditation, one or more rituals and often a light movement and breathwork exercise.

My creative side loves to design invitations, posters and/or flyers and to decorate the event location, so the garden or space where you hold the event can be in line with the design or vibe of your choice. 

Since my move to the Costa del Sol I have had the pleasure to meet several beautiful souls and have visited amazing locations. So I can help you to find the perfect location. To give the event even more variety, I also have the contact details of a yoga instructor, a sound healer, an estatic dance organiser, a galactic healer, a breathwork coach and many more lovely people. And I have found several private chefs who can meet all your catering needs.

I facilitate every event entirely according to your wishes and together we can create magic.

So do not hesitate to contact me when you wish to host a holistic event/gathering. I am here with all my love and experience to help you create a memorable event.

Please find more information about the various event options below.

HarmoniZen session

Journey to Vibrational Harmony

Since I started using the e-harmonizers more than a year ago to deepen my meditations, I have been able to experience the benefits and positive changes in my body, mind and soul. These were so profound that, in consultation with the maker of the crystal filled rods, I followed a training course with him to become a certified e-harmonizer instructor. Together we have developed a program that strongly expresses the energy flow of the rods so that you can feel the benefits of the e-harmonizers in every fiber of your body.

By holding the E-Harmonizers you close the circuit so that a small voltage runs through your body. This tension activates the crystal in the cylinders, creating a powerful healing field. This field has a strong grounding effect on your body and it brings you peace and balance.

The rods ensure that your meditation is deepened, so that you experience the benefits of the e-harmonizers more strongly. The e-harmonizers;

  • bring you more balance
  • activate your energy channels
  • strengthen your self-healing ability and
  • give you a direct powerful grounding 

The one-hour session consists of a short relaxation exercise, handing out the right set of e-harmonizers to the attendees, a deep visualization guided meditation and a sharing circle afterwards to share the experiences gained. Usually during this session I opt for a relaxing and healing chakra meditation. But you can also request for another sort of meditation.

The ceremony can be held in the comfort of your own home or at any location of your choice. The price of the ceremony depends on the location.

Unfortunately, you can't join the session:

  • In case of pregnancy (within the last six months)
  • During your period it is advisable not to use the rods. It can lead to greater blood loss.
  • In case of epilepsy
  • In case of schizophrenia and other mental disorders

Please inform the instructor when you have or have had health problems.

Women's circle

When women come together, magic happens.

A women's circle is a gathering for and by women. It is a moment in which women come together in a safe environment, share, heal and manifest together. A women's circle is a tool for a woman to reconnect with her own nature and inner feminine power. And when you bring your inner strength together with that of other women, something magical happens.

I often open the circle with an introductory round, after which we continue with a movement and breathing exercise so that you sink more into your body and get out of your head.

As soon as the group is more relaxed, I guide the group during a meditation to align your chakra's or to deepen your relaxation.

An important part of the women's circle is the sharing of stories or wisdom, often on the basis of an object brought by each woman.

We conclude the gathering with, in my opinion, the most beautiful part of the gathering; and that is the gratitude circle. Every woman receives a heartfelt compliment from the other women, not about her appearance, but about her inner self. This creates a supportive and uplifting atmosphere, fostering a sense of connection and empowerment among all women.

The ceremony can be held in the comfort of your own home or at any location of your choice. The price of the ceremony depends on the location and the amount of needed materials. The standard session lasts about 3 to 4 hours, but of course, the duration can be adjusted to your liking.

Did you know that in the distant past, there were tribes in Europe where the women lived separately from the rest in their own tent during their cycle (red tent). When women live together, their cycle synchonists. So one week a month, women lived together to support each other and share their wisdom. Since women are more aligned with nature, the eldest wise woman gathered all their advice during that week and passed it on to the chief. The chief took this advice into account in his decisions for the coming period so that his tribe would continue to live together in harmony. Women were therefore (indirectly) in power.

Mother Blessing Circle

Invite the closest female friends of the mother-to-be and ask them to bring their warmth and wisdom to share in an intimate mother blessing circle. During this ceremony the mother will be filled with positive, warm and embracing energy of all her friends/family in the comfort of her own home or chosen location.

We start with a introductions round so that all present will feel more at ease.

Then you have the choice in one or several rituals:

Fire ritual

Burning of all fears in a purifing fire

The bracelet of intent

Handpicked stones after a guided colour meditation gathered by the circle for the mother to hold or wear during the birth or

Hand-painted beads made by the women of the circle gathered for the mother to hold or wear during the birth

The stones of intent

Writing your wish on a stone and paint it as a present for the mother


The ceremony will end with the red thread ritual so that the mother and the circle stay connected during the birth.

It is also possible to customize the circle. I am happy to create a loving circle together.

The duration of the ceremony is between 4 -5 hours, but it can be shorter, that depends on your wishes. and what part of the program you desire. The price depends on the chosen rituals and location.

Divorce Circle

Wether you are heartbroken or relieved, you will find closure or celebrate your new chapter in life with this ceremony.

I will guide you and the circle of your closest female friends during this ceremony in several meditations and a ritual.

The ceremony starts with a meditation to soothe the soul after which we become somewhat active with the seven healing sounds and postures.


Then we will gather for a ritual of your choice:

The Broken Heart Ritual

break your ceramic heart with attached emotions and mend it with gold


The Fire Ritual

create on canvas and release through fire


After the ritual we will do some breathwork and sharing to end the ceremony.

The ceremony can be held in the comfort of your own home or at any location of your choice. The price of the ceremony depends on the location and chosen ritual.

The Divorce Ritual Circle takes about 4 to 5 hours, it can be shorter, but that depends on the desired program.

Canvas Calm (creative workshop)

Canvas Calm can be hosted in two ways; The emphasis is on self-love or the emphasis is on healing underlying pain/grief

When you want to put the emphasis on self-love the session will start with a guided meditation that has been developed so that you will discover your best strengths during a visual journey, and you can then put these on canvas. When the artwork is finished, we hold a sharing circle to integrate what you have created. The canvas full of love is a gift for yourself that you can take home afterwards.

When you want to put the emphasis on the healing of past pain the session starts with a guided meditation that will stimulate your creativity and will help you to emerge underlying grief which you can incorporate into your artwork. Most of us have learned to suppress negative feelings, and unfortunately, that leads to storing these feelings somewhere in our body. Even a storage room needs to be cleaned regularly, and that is exactly what we are going to do during Canvas Calm. When the artwork is finished, we hold a sharing circle to integrate what you have created. After that you will receive cleansing during the fire ritual;

The Fire Ritual

all art is entrusted to the flames, which allows you to release any stored and unresolved sorrow in your body

We end both sessions with a vitalizing exercise.

The ceremony can be held in the comfort of your own home or at any location of your choice. The price of the ceremony depends on the location and the amount of needed materials. The session lasts about 3 to 4 hours but it can be shorter, that depends on your wishes.

“ All those women gathered with the same intention and participating with their full heart, especially during the gratitude circle, I felt my self-confidence grow. Kim provided the necessary guidance so that we got the best potential out of our gathering. I felt heard and understood, it was a day to remember, wonderful!”

Maria S.